Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Audit the Fed Over?

June 30, 2010 The House of Representatives voted on the conference report of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which the House copy included HR 1207( audit the Federal Reserve). When it came back from conference it had been removed. The House had another chance to put HR 1207 back in the bill but something strange happened. When the House voted on the reintroduction of HR1207 into the bill 114 of the co-sponsors of HR1207 voted against it. This is strange when we see 320 co-sponsors for HR 1207. Which is an overwhelming amount of co-sponsors. So many Americans support HR 1207 and want to see it passed which reflects the great support of the House, yet we can see the power of the federal reserve in such a huge number of "flip flops" in the house. How is it that 114 co-sponsors just change their mind. Especially when this flop was not inspired by the people, which we can see the flop is actually against the cries of the people.

The Federal Reserve must be audited or ended. The Federal Reserve is not federal at all. It is simply a privately owned organization that subtly controls our nations currency. It is not under control of the government and it in fact it controls some aspects of our government. In 1913 the Federal Reserve Act passed and then in 1933 our nation went bankrupt. Then we citizens, our labor, taxes and resources were promised as collateral in the Social Security Act to the Federal Reserve. I am not collateral and I think we need to make our voices of the people known to politicians, that we will not tolerate this and investigations need to be done, concerning the Federal Reserve.

Temporary Dictatorship or Republic?

On May 4, 2007 (happens to be my birthday) President George W. Bush signed a bill called, Executive Directive 51. This is a bill that would have never been passed in the days of our founding fathers and would have in fact been a cause of a second revolution if so. This bill is not only unconstitutional but it is a subtle death nail to the constitution our forefathers created to protect our liberties. The first thing I would like to point out is the secrecy towards the American people during the passing of this bill. It was passed May 4, 2007 and he American people did not receive a chance to view it on the white house web page until May 9, 2007, almost a week after it was enacted. This presidential directive states it is necessary to enact certain included procedures to better the continuity of our federal government. This bill enables the president to declare a federal emergency which i defined and I quote from the bill, "Catastrophic Emergency" means any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions." This definition is so broad that it does not give a clear definition of what the president is allowed to declare an emergency. It is very important for us to have a very clear and organized system to which declarations of federal emergency can be made because of what powers the bill contributes solely to the president, which I will discuss. So in any given case the president deems a federal emergency he has the power to declare it so. Now this sounds harmless unless you understand what powers are contributed to the sole ownership of the president in such a self-declared federal emergency. When the president declares a federal emergency he gains the control of the government and country and bypass any and all levels of government on a state, local, federal level, etc. This means the president coordinates the three levels of government(executive,legislative,and judicial) with the goal of supreme cooperation without the oversight of congress. So in a presidential declared federal emergency the president becomes a dictator. This violates the constitution and its ideal that no branch of the government is higher than the other and leaves us supremely vulnerable to corruption.

Now the argument for passing this bill is that in a time such as 9/11 or Katrina, for example, the U.S. was faced with an emergency that required a more continuative form of government to protect our national security. This is a time in which you need to contemplate which is more important to you security or liberty. Benjamin Franklin states,"Any society that will sacrifice an essential liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both." Acts and laws such as the patriot act are taking away our liberties in the name of security. Our country was founded not to police your liberties but to protect them and our biggest enemy of liberty in most cases is officials who value security over liberty ad do not have faith in the fact that the liberties and love of them will always guarantee our security. When we look to our founding fathers, they were not as cowardice in such areas. In fact they believed that the protection of liberty was much more important than the the protection of security, which they showed by risking their personal lives and the lives of their people by signing the declaration of independence. If we value our security over our liberty we are cowards and we leave ourselves, as a people, vulnerable to the same tactics used to overthrow German Parliament and instate the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler. For if we look at history we see that the same manipulated idea of security over liberty is what made the German people demand dictatorship around WWII.

Its high time that we as Americans lose this cowardly and sometimes apathetic approach to dealing with our government. Its time that we realize as a majority that we the people hold the power and not our officials. we should be concerned that if we do not we will continue down a path of relinquishing essential powers to concentrated departments of government. The definition of a dictatorship is when one person controls the government and its people. My friends and fellow patriots what is different in our country in time of "Federal Emergency" compared to the definition that was given of a dictatorship. We are ignorantly living in a momentary or supposed temporary dictatorship anytime that the president declares federal emergency and we need to stop sitting idly by and do something about it.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Apathetic Ignorance is True Terrorism.

Too many people tell me that they stay clear of politics. Too many people tell me at politicians are evil. Too many people are apathetic towards the direction of The United States and ignorant of what is truly happening. Too much apathetic ignorance for far too long. The Constitution although, not perfect, is very good document. We need to study its values and why the founding fathers put them in there. There are reasons that we limit the government and separate state's power and federalized power. There are good intentions behind preserving liberty before security. The original point of our government was not to police you bu to set up a system to protect your liberties. In Germany, Hitler's regime slowly took away people's liberties in the name of national security. They manipulated the people to think it was not only necessary but the right thing to value the majority people over the individual person. They instituted a system that used preemptive strike in the name of national security, while subtly using it for empire expansion. Their system of government was ran by a big business influence, thus making the powerful more powerful and the weak weaker indefinitely. They also were behind some of the most brutal genocides and horrific military campaigns known to man. The point is that just like Germany our nation is taking "Baby Steps" towards a very comparable state. We have already seen the government grabbing for more and more power. After September 11 our government started to sacrifice our liberties in the name of national security. "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." --Ben Franklin Acts such as the Patriot Act are more deadly to the U.S. than the terrorist.

We also need to realize that the idea of striking first militarily so that the other nation does not strike us is not an American tradition and is in fact opposite. A policy like this is not protecting us as they claim it is hurting us by causing countries around the world to despise us and act like fearful or wounded animals, in some cases, by lashing out against us. This policy is the real threat to our national security. It is also a huge threat to our American traditions and ideals. As President John F. Kennedy stated,"Even today there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it."

Our nation also can not be run by big business interest, which as of now it is. This is a version of Fascism. I know that it is hard to see this in our country but do not call me unpatriotic. For a patriot is the biggest critic towards the country. For criticism is how we learn and take action to correct our mistakes and without critics we would not see our mistakes and they would never be made known. When our presidential candidates are paid off with campaign donations of large sums from big business corporations it corrupts our leaders. When media corporations all donated large sums of money to Pres. George W. Bush because he supported big media consolidation, it makes you wonder, is that the opinion of Bush or is that the opinion he took to gain support and donations. This example of big business influencing political agenda is rampant everywhere in the U.S.

When organizations such as FEMA influence and sometimes directly train state and local agencies it is a "Baby Step" in the direction of federalizing state and local agencies. Why should we keep federal and state powers separated? Concentrated power breeds corruption. By keeping these powers separate we make it impossible for a government take over. Not saying that this will happen but even our founding fathers thought it not only wise but necessary to protect against what if situations.

In conclusion this brief summary of events and concerns is literally brief, especially when we observe how massive the amount of information is and how many subjects there are to cover concerning the current happenings of our country. We as a people need to wake up, become aware of the truth, lose this national apathy and take action to preserve our Constitution, Sovereignty, liberties, traditions and ideals which will always preserve our power as a nation. We live in a time were there is no tomorrow, only now or never. We the people of the United States of America hold the power, not our government. We do not chose to take responsibility for our country we are born with it as a people. You can chose to remain apathetic and ignorant and hurt our country or you can choose to inform yourself and make your own decisions to form opinions in an unbiased fashion and increase the awareness of others around you. Finally we have to choose to become involved some way and take action. The United States' power is in its people and when you as an American citizen choose to remain apathetic and ignorant you are undermining America's power.

My Zimbio
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