June 30, 2010 The House of Representatives voted on the conference report of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which the House copy included HR 1207( audit the Federal Reserve). When it came back from conference it had been removed. The House had another chance to put HR 1207 back in the bill but something strange happened. When the House voted on the reintroduction of HR1207 into the bill 114 of the co-sponsors of HR1207 voted against it. This is strange when we see 320 co-sponsors for HR 1207. Which is an overwhelming amount of co-sponsors. So many Americans support HR 1207 and want to see it passed which reflects the great support of the House, yet we can see the power of the federal reserve in such a huge number of "flip flops" in the house. How is it that 114 co-sponsors just change their mind. Especially when this flop was not inspired by the people, which we can see the flop is actually against the cries of the people.
The Federal Reserve must be audited or ended. The Federal Reserve is not federal at all. It is simply a privately owned organization that subtly controls our nations currency. It is not under control of the government and it in fact it controls some aspects of our government. In 1913 the Federal Reserve Act passed and then in 1933 our nation went bankrupt. Then we citizens, our labor, taxes and resources were promised as collateral in the Social Security Act to the Federal Reserve. I am not collateral and I think we need to make our voices of the people known to politicians, that we will not tolerate this and investigations need to be done, concerning the Federal Reserve.
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